canne casting

Which casting rod to buy?

Have you caught the fishing fever? You should know that it is a very exciting activity that may even become a real drug for you. You will need time to enjoy it, but above all you need the right equipment. The latter must be adapted to the fishing technique you are going to practice. So which casting rod should you invest in?

Basic criteria to take into account

If you are a beginner, it is quite normal to feel lost when choosing your casting rod. The casting rod is the key equipment if you want to be effective in this practice. The name casting fishing can be a little intimidating, but with a little practice you can become a real master of the sport.

In order to choose the right casting rod , you must first know the right criteria for doing so. Casting specialists can give you a multitude of criteria that can be technical. This advice is quite valid, but you need to begin to learn the art a little at a time. To begin with, you can simply limit yourself to the criteria of power and length only.

Indeed, it is the power and the length that largely define the efficiency or not of a casting rod . After that, we can also talk about the control of the technique or the flexibility of the rod as well as the quality of the hook. To go even further, you can also study the materials that make up the rod as well as the different technological parts that it may contain.

Two-metre rods for great versatility

In the past, rods were barely six feet long and you can be sure that they were always very stiff. Things have changed since then, you have a wider range of choices now. If you are a real beginner in casting, you can opt to buy a 2m long rod. It should be soft and flexible.

This type of casting rod is versatile in the sense that you can fish either from the shore or from a boat. If you can afford it, you should even choose a rod that is longer than two metres. However, where you need to be careful is with the length of the handle.

The handles of the casting rod

If you are casting on a float boat, you will need the right casting rod. For this purpose, in order to have a lot of room to manoeuvre, you can opt for a rod with a short handle. This makes sense as it prevents the handle from bumping into the float boat’s flanges all the time. It is also less likely to get caught in your waistcoat. When it comes to lures, opt for a rod with a medium power rating that can handle up to 40g.

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