amorce peche

How to make fishing bait with bread?

At times when fish are not biting, because they are no longer in season or have become wary, bait is the best recourse. This solution makes it easy to lure hungry fish into the water. The whole thing can be made efficiently with just bread, which is used for the flour.

Choosing the right bread for your bait

When it comes to fish bait, flour is the term used to describe the wheat-based part of this element. This is an important component of your groundbait, as it is what will start to attract the fish first. The small particles of bread will then scatter in the water, so that the interest of the surrounding aquatic fauna is aroused.

The bread that is usually used for this task will be hardened bread, which you can easily get from your local bakery. They can sell you a large quantity for a few euros. So you will have something to do for a long time. The other option is to harden the bread yourself, but this is less economical.

Preparing the bread for the bait

You need to reduce the bread to powder form, and you can use various tools to do this properly. For a good quality peach bait, you will need a high degree of fineness for your flour.

Then, it is possible to make red flour by lightly toasting the white flour obtained with the bread. Depending on the fish you are interested in, it will make sense to add a certain amount of one or the other. All you need to do is to understand the fish you are targeting.

Getting the dosage right for bread

A fishbait will contain around 70% flour, and here you have to get the dosage right. If you are interested in deep-sea fish, red flour should be the predominant flour. To favour those between two waters, it will be necessary to use a given quantity of white flour.

After that, you usually learn to dose better as you practice. You can always experiment and see what works and what doesn’t. Over time, you will identify for yourself which dosages you prefer to use for which fish.

Choosing other ingredients well

Bread is not the only thing you need to worry about when it comes to making your bait. The other ingredients will also be important, so make sure you choose them well.

Items like hempseed seem to be of the greatest effect when it comes to catching big fish. Then you also have various options, such as biscuit, cheese, vanilla extract, etc. Again, you are free to experiment as much as you like. For ideas, you can go to the fishing discussion sites that talk about bait.

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